Sunday, November 20, 2011

Running mesh with OLSR with Openwrt (backfire)

1. checkout the svn source codes from official SVN repo.

2.update software packages and install them
 ./scripts/feeds update
 ./scripts/feeds install -a -p luci
 ./scripts/feeds install -a -p olsrd

3. compile the Openwrt system with Luci image

4. under Network/Interface, add new interface

5. configure the new created interface

6. configure wifi under Network/Wifi

7. ssh into the node, and edit /etc/config/olsrd, must set 'interface' to 'wl0' as we configure the wifi interface in previous step.
 config  'Interface'
              list 'interface' 'wl0'     
8. then start the olsrd, by /etc/init.d/olsrd start

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