Thursday, January 20, 2011

howto install Ubuntu on CF card for Alix3d2 (PCengine)

Prepare the CF card 
mke2fs -L root /dev/sdb1
mkdir /mnt/alix
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/alix
Download the file system 
debootstrap --arch i386 lucid /mnt/alix
Binding all directories to the CF card
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/alix/dev
mount -o bind /sys /mnt/alix/sys
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/alix/proc
chroot /mnt/alix /bin/bash

echo alix-router > /etc/hostname
add hostname in /etc/hosts  localhost alix-router
The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system>                 <mount point>   <type>  <options>                       <dump>  <pass>
proc                            /proc           proc    defaults                        0       0
# /dev/sda1
LABEL=root                      /               ext2    noatime,errors=remount-ro       0       1
tmpfs                           /tmp            tmpfs   defaults,noatime                0       0
tmpfs                           /var/tmp        tmpfs   defaults,noatime                0       0

add following to /etc/sysctrl.conf
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 1500
to /etc/default/rcS

change network setting in /etc/network/interfaces accordingly

Then finally
umount /mnt/alix/proc
umount /mnt/alix/sys
umount /mnt/alix/dev
umount /mnt/alix
After you can login to the 10.04 system, you can use the normal ubuntu tool "do-release-upgrade" to upgrade to 10.10

Change OpenWRT default kernel version

Tweak the LINUX_VERSION variable in target/linux/ar71xx/Makefile.
Supported Kernels are listed in include/

Flash new OpenWRT image to RouterStation or RouterStationPro

make menuconfig
 *** Must enable "hotplug2" module, otherwise kernel panic

timeout 60
put openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rspro-squashfs-factory.bin
Output messages when flashing is successful
AR8316 PHY found on
MAC0AR8316 PHY found on
MAC1Ethernet eth0: MAC address 00:15:6d:c1:c6:e5
IP:, Gateway: server:
RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROMRAM]
Ubiquiti Networks certified release, 
version 0.9.00318M.0905121200 - built 12:01:38, May 12 2009
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
Board: Ubiquiti RouterStation PRO Arch: ar7100pro 
RAM: 0x80000000-0x88000000, [0x00000000-0x00000000] available
Flash: 0xbf000000-0xc0000000, in 256 blocks of 0x00010000 bytes each
RESET button pressed, starting rescue mode...
TFTPD initialized on port: 69 (Memory: [0x8006e000-0x87fe1000])
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: waiting for connection...
TFTPD: Incoming connection from
Received:  2294168 bytes
Firmware Version: RSPRO.ar7100pro.OpenWrt.r23933
Initializing default partitions for 16M flash size.
Created 'kernel' - base: 0xBF030000, mem base; 0x80060000, entry: 0x80060000, size: 0x000D0000
Created 'rootfs' - base: 0xBF100000, mem base; 0xBF170000, entry: 0x00000000, size: 0x00A30000

Updating FIS directory!
...Erase from 0xbfff0000-0xc0000000: .
...Program from 0x87ff0000-0x88000000 at 0xbfff0000: .

Flashing partition 'kernel' (size: 0x000D0000, actual data: 0x000D0000)
...Erase from 0xbf030000-0xbf100000: .............
...Program from 0x8006e144-0x8013e144 at 0xbf030000: .............

Flashing partition 'rootfs' (size: 0x00A30000, actual data: 0x00160000)
...Erase from 0xbf100000-0xbfb30000: ........................................

Relevant links:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SPA 3102 VOIP issues

If you have ever experienced VOIP problems with the SPA, here is a list of Q&A:

- Incoming calls work fine, but other party can't hear me in outgoing call.
'Line 1' Pref codec are in the following order: G729a, G711a, G711u
Not forcing use of pref codecs, basically, "Use Pref Codec Only" set to no.

Also someone suggested to change FXS Port Impedance to 220+820||120NF in Advanced/Regional/

RISC-v emulator

Changes are based on For Ubuntu/Debian, in addition to sud...